Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Own Worst Client!!!!

Hey there Poptarts
                                With all the advice and suggestions I give to clients I've come to realize I'm horrible at sticking to my much valued words. I normally put my mind at ease by convincing myself I'm too busy or just don't have the time. I'm well aware of the many wasted hours I spend crushing addictive candy or trying to figure out truths from 4 pretty liars. That precious time could be put to great use, so from here on out I'm making a change...time to start actively practicing what I preach!

Tomorrow I fly out to do makeup for part 2 of a fabulous desi wedding. The flight isn't major so I thought 'meh, no harm doing my makeup prior to right?!?' - WRONG! That small flight is prime time for me to throw on a face mask and relax my mind before the festivities began. I think I might finally break down and try this Snail Collagen Filler one!!!!!

Found this and other gems at my favorite local Korean beauty store.
This particular mask is by Leaders Clinic - a company run by some of the top clinical experts in Korea and has a two step system. Step one which is an Ampoule Booster and helps with the absorption rate of the mask. Step 2 is the mask itself which contains a special formula that aides in improving elasticity which has been damaged by the environment. The filler system contains elasticity building ingredients such as snail mucus components, marin collagen, and coenzyme Q10 that helps in restoring suppleness and firmness to the skin.

I've been avoiding trying this out (ya know the eek factor with snails and all), but I'm actually super excited to see how well it works. And I'll definitely be following the steps I shared with Mickela Mallozzi of Travel Bare Feet during our Travel Beauty Tips segment on her YouTube channel. Check out my video version of Throw Back Thursday and while you're there Subscribe because she is AWESOME!

I'm still in awe over how white my teeth are ^__^... modest much >_>
Would you try a snail mucus on your face? Let me know your thoughts by commenting below. 
Until next time Love & Hugs ~_^

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